Saturday, 5 November 2011

Edacious Bloom

Currently working on multiple projects, hopefully in the next week I should have some items up on etsy.
Working on my own project and working to my own brief feels different to when I was doing this in Uni. All is coming together nicely though.

Here is some of my framed pieces of work

I am also working on a new project, trying to work with a theme that I have not done much of before, interpreting it into my own style. This is still a work in progress, but here is another design. This project is titled "Edacious Bloom"

Friday, 14 October 2011

Back to the drawing board

After a LONG 3 days of being in bed with a Migraine I was finally able to get some work done over the last couple of days...

....until I was rudely interrupted.

That will teach me for going to get a drink. Still I couldn't bear to move him :)

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Web design

Just in the process of designing a website for a printed textile designer and recent graduate Chevonne Mckenzie. Her work is so fresh and humorous. It definitely brightens my day. Check out her blog:

Chevonne Mckenzie Blog

Monday, 12 September 2011

Childhood Memories

I vaguely remember drawing these as a child. I used to love reading a story and them drawing my own pictures to go with them.

Lovely Readings

I have found it lovely reading through all the little notes written about me. I just thought I would share.

Finding Memories

Whilst having a major clear out at home, I came across some hidden treasures. I never knew my mum had kept all the things from when I had just started school. All my little drawings and certificates. She even managed to acquire the small notes the teachers used to jot down while observing me when I was only 5 years old.

Its seems that even back then I already started showing my love for textiles and art.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

New Project

Some drawings from a flower project I am currently working on, just thought I would share a few.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Old Photos

While clearing out my mums bedroom we found some old black and white pictures of my dad. Its strange seeing him so young. I often forgot how long he had been alive, I guess I was always too busy thinking about the "now" and trying to move forward that it never really occurred to me, to stop and ask questions about what it was like when he was younger. I remember some stories, but others are memories which are slowly disappearing. Even if i cannot know what he was like when he was young and the things he had to go through, I still know that he was an amazing father.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

All is quiet

Something to brighten up the day

London crumbling

London "rioting" seems to be settling a bit now, seems about right seeing as they have destroyed all they can and stolen what they want. I just hope that everyone who has lost their livelihood and their homes can bounce back from this.
It was worrying to think that just down the road there were people burning cars and breaking into shops.
Two young girls taking part in all this said on the news that it was the governments fault, but didn't know why, and stated they were only doing it to the "rich" people with the businesses, showing them what they could do. How is a small local cash and carry shop owner a rich person? And why break into a charity shop? How about asking the person you dragged out of their car by their hair if they were rich before you torched their car? It had nothing to do with them being rich, it was all to do with people out for what they could get.
Everyone who has been damaged by these acts of vandalism worked hard for what they had, and the thought of stealing from others wouldn't cross their minds. I hope, and I believe they will be able to come back from all of this; being much stronger in the long run.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Missing it

I am really starting to miss printing.

Monday, 18 July 2011


After attempting to get my results last week and them not being ready, i was finally told my grade today. I am now the proud owner of a First Class Honours Degree! All the hard work for the last three years have paid off. Still in shock really, but very happy!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Urban Flow

Just thought I would show some of my work

Just sifting through

I have just been having a clear out of all my hard drives, i didn't realize how much work i have accumulated over the years.

Friday, 15 July 2011


Its results day today, I'm not sure what to expect, I know I have done well, just unsure of how well. Its a shame I can't be up in bradford to get them myself. Hopefully in 4 hours I shall get a very happy message from my friend telling me.

Thursday, 14 July 2011


Just trying to get the hang of Adobe Illustrator, its actually a lot easier than i thought it would be. Still more practice is needed but, I am definitely on my way!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Past Years

Just trying to update my website with some more images of my work, its weird looking back through my portfolio, remembering where i started three years ago.

Monday, 11 July 2011

New Designers

Here are some pictures from New Designers. Unfortunately i didn't seem to get much industry attention, but it was always lovely having people admire my work.

A special thanks to someone names Laura Pymen, who wrote in my comment book while i wasn't around saying "your work inspired me. Really gorgeous. Well done" Thank you, it gave me the boost I needed.

Degree Show

Just thought I would show a few pictures from the Bradford School of Arts and Media Summer Show

Its been a while

Time to catch up...I have been gone for quite some time, and have finally finished my Degree, it has been a long journey, so many ups and downs, and quite a few tears along the way. Lets just hope that once i get my results it will all have been worth it.

It feels incredibly strange having finished, knowing that over i don't just have the summer to rest up and then its time to move back to Bradford to start a new year. I'm back in London and seem to be out of it. For the last few days I have just been recovering from New Designers and my Texprint Interview. I need to make sure I become proactive very soon.

Speaking of Texprint, I didnt make the next round, however my Interview last Wednesday went extremely well, the Judges were very friendly and seemed to love my work, giving me plenty of praise. They did however tell me that I need to show my drawing skills more, as this is what a client always want to see...This is something that I will be working on in the next few weeks.